How to increase your testosterone levels.

High testosterone is essential for a man, and if you aren’t optimising yours you’re leaving happiness and success on the table!

Healthy levels of testosterone are so important. For general health, disease risk, body composition, sexual function and just about everything else.

Additionally, increasing your testosterone levels can cause rapid gains in muscle mass and vitality in only a matter of weeks.

But how can you boost your testosterone levels? And how can you do it naturally so you can avoid hormone replacement therapy?

Let’s have a look at some lifestyle factors that will remedy the situation.

First up is exercise, to be more specific resistance training/weights.

People who lift have higher testosterone levels. Not does exercise increase testosterone levels, and fitness but also reaction times.

Factor into your week a minimum effective dosage. Resistance the urge to go full banana and instead commit to an amount of sessions you can realistically stick to. Even if only 2 sessions per week.

A Balanced diet,

to clarify, is eating enough protein, to aid satiety to aid weight loss, and muscle repair. Having enough carbohydrates also optimize testosterone levels during resistance training. And a balance of fats which are also beneficial for testosterone and health.

Combined with an energy target for your goal you will have a ‘REAL’ healthy diet.

Stress management

Natural elevations in cortisol can reduce testosterone. These hormones work in a seesaw-like manner: as one goes up, the other comes down.

Chronic stress and high cortisol can also increase food intake, weight gain, and the storage of fat around your organs.

This is why it is paramount you input into your day time for actions that will see you decompress, away from stressors and stimulation.


Getting good sleep is as, if not more important for your health as diet and exercise. It also has major effects on your testosterone levels.

The ideal amount of sleep varies from person to person. But one study found sleeping only 5 hours per night caused a 15% reduction in testosterone levels!

This is why it would be prudent to implement a bedtime routine that will improve the duration and quality of your sleep. Why not set an alarm at the same time each day to start your bedtime routine

For more help with these lifestyle factors download a free copy of my guide The Gentleman’s Vitality Handbook

You vs The Monkey

Most guys know what to do but aren’t doing it.

This is why your health and fitness isn’t an information problem, it’s an implementation problem.

This means it’s less about the method and more about the mindset.

What you need to realize is, that making a transformation, one that will have you looking and feeling at your best. Is achieved through discipline.

I’m not talking about being perfect 24/7.

I’m saying that the majority of the decisions you make need to be in line with your goal. And the ones that aren’t don’t undo the work you’ve done.

It comes down to an internal battle between you and your monkey brain.

You see the monkey brain wants you to relax and take the easy option.

The monkey brain has a penchant for fornication, debauchery and immediate pleasure.

Do things that will provide it with stimulus and excitement (although they won’t be challenging or uncomfortable). This is why it’s so easy to plicate.

But after a while, of giving in to these cravings they leave you feeling a little hollow and disappointed.

Because once again you’ve been persuaded by the monkey. Who has led you astray.

Yeah, it was fun and you had a good laugh but that monkey has led you so far off course you’re now a bit lost.

You’re stumbling around trying to get back to the correct path. Cursing yourself for giving in to the petulant primate. Who keeps distracting you from not doing what you said you were going to do.

Frustrated you didn’t have the discipline to ignore that wretched beast and his easy enticements.

The thing is when you start out with addressing this the monkey brain, it isn’t a cute little Capuchin. No no no it’s an adult silverback gorilla.

It’s so powerful. You feel almost helpless when it comes to stopping it from doing what it wants.

But when you have a plan and some accountability that sees you build your discipline.

That is when you’ll start to see that monkey shrink. And so to its power over you. All the way until you have only a cute little Pygmy Marmoset to deal with.

It is at this point that you’ll be at your best. You’ll be doing what you should be doing. Not what the monkey wants you to.

Which is how you get you to that place where you have the energy and confidence that you’re after. And built the discipline that will permeate all areas of your life.

Plus the added satisfaction that comes from knowing that you’ve bettered that pesky monkey!

Want to find out more about improving your vitality, confidence and performance?

Click here

How to improve your energy, confidence & performance.

When we look past the superficial of aesthetics or leanness – is when when we get to the root of our desires.

Going beyond the norms of what society tells us we want, to find our true reason to improve our health and wellbeing.

Which is why want energy, confidence and better performance.

And this is coming from someone who has competed in Body Building.

I’ve attained much more enjoyment from pursuits that have been performance based i.e. Marathons, Power lifting. And I’m even more excited about upcoming open water swim and Mountaineering pursuits.

In terms of physical fitness and performance I’ve never been better than I am now.

And this will only improve because of the compounding effect of the day to day actions that are part of my routine.

I emphasise MY routine because not one size fits all. It has to be bespoke for you!

What you can commit to with exercise, nutrition, sleep and stress management is unique to you.

And you have to optimise those pillars to see you be at your best, to be on top of your game!

And hear me when I say it’s got to be bespoke because when we try and conform to something that is so far removed from our lives it won’t last!

That’s because the regimes and protocols out their are cookie cut on someone else’s plan. And to adapt and adhere to it you have to be at your best or nigh on perfect!

For success a plan needs to work even when you aren’t at your best. What you can be consistent with on your worst days.

Factoring in a margin of error!

Because we don’t rise to our goals we fall to our habits.

Which is what my coaching program The Performance Project is all about.

Devising a plan for you to help you build habits that will see make progress even when life gets hectic.

A plan that works in the face of high pressure and adversity. Taking into consideration all the obstacles that life is sure to throw at us.

Paired with accountability and support to see you break through plateaus and perform at your best.

For more info click here

A question for change

You might want to achieve a certain dream…

…but you can’t seem to take action on it.

For example you want to write a book…

Or climb a mountain…

Or start a new business…

Or get in shape…

You want it and dream about making it happen.

But when it comes to taking action you hit a brick wall.

Yot can’t seem to get started.

Or, if you do start, you give up on things pretty quickly when you meet a challenge.

In this case – what do you do?

Well here’s one question you can ask yourself…

“What will I miss out on if I never achieve that goal/dream?”

And when you come up with the answers…

ask yourself ‘What else will I miss out on if I never achieve that goal/dream?’

Keep asking until you can no longer think of anything.

This questioning process helps to uncover the real reasons you want to achieve the goal in the first place.

It makes you more aware of what’s driving them…

…and you’ll start to associate pain with not taking action.

Because you’ll see clearly for the first time, what it’s costing you to stay where you are.

This question grounds you in the present and helps you to experience emotionally what it would feel like to not achieve your goal.

Whereas usually you’re are only focused on the future and how it would feel to achieve that goal…

…this question helps you to experience emotional pain in the present. By seeing what things will look like up ahead if you don’t take action.

And that’s motivating!

You might come to realise you don’t want to miss out on any of those things!

You then associate pain with not changing. Which is what’s often needed to change.

Single player game

Most people are playing a multiplayer game.

Comparing and contrasting against others.

‘What have they got?’

‘I should have that too’

‘I need to better them’

If you want to progress what it would be prudent to realise is;

You’re playing against yourself!

No one else.

The people that progress in their lives are playing a single player game.

By adopting this approach only then do you win.

You will no longer be making uneven comparisons. And you’ll find yourself making better decisions.

Decisions derived from the principle of;

short-term pain long-term gain.

When I say pain I’m not talking about the searing pain of exercising whilst injured. Or other methods of seld destruction.

Because those things have no long term gain!

I’m talking about the acute that leads to future returns.

The healthier meal option

The workout.

The decision to turn off the TV and go to bed on time.

The decision to put down a device and think.

So when faced you are faced with your next decision. Ask yourself which has more short term pain and long term gain.


My palms get sweaty on hearing that word. It makes me think if I’m making an impact and if I’ll be where I want to be 10 years from now.

Regret is a scary word. But it’s also a motivating word. Because regret DRIVES me to take action because I never want to feel it.

I’m DRIVEN to do everything in my power to succeed… So I don’t feel regret later.

Whether it’s tomorrow, next month, next year, or next decade. I’m always doing my best to move forward. Even if I don’t succeed every time – I’m always trying. As long as I’m enjoying the journey, I’m happy.

Because you never know when the journey will end. So that’s why I make the MOST out of every single moment. Because I never want to feel like I didn’t give it my all.
I know this is a deep message, but it’s one you need to hear.

No matter what you’re going through right now… Don’t give up!

Because the relief & success you’ll feel after you make it out of a bad situation feels SO much better than regret. Remember that!

So if you are trying to lose those 30 pounds you’ve been trying to lose for the past 10 years. 

Lower your risk of health concerns.  

Avoid a divorce that would cost you half your wealth.  ⠀

Achieve that promotion which adds extra £££ to your take-home. From focus and productivity at work.

These are all doable. The beautiful thing is The Limitless Lifestyle Blueprint covers most of the above.

A system that is more efficient, faster, and customized to your specific lifestyle. 

Click here

You make the decision

Good moaning Friend,

Answer me this, and be honest with yourself. Is the best version of you is being kept at bay by your habits? Is your lifestyle doing you a disservice? Are you longing for a change?

Are you stuck in a rut? On a negative trajectory with your health and fitness, always feeling lethargic? Stuck in the monotony of life doing the same thing over and over, not progressing. Getting fatter, unhealthier, and dreading your next medical?

Do you see other guys in great shape seemingly effortlessly? Watching them engage in public displays of affection with their other halves.


I know, it’s a real papercut! But fret not! All this can be remedied.

I know what you’re thinking, those guys are not me, they live a different life. They have the time, I don’t.

What if I told you that the guys I work with were of exactly the same mindset. They didn’t believe it was possible. But to quote Nelson Mandela…

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’

These guys were no different to you. They knew they needed to change. They could feel their energy draining, their vitality slipping away.

Their problem was that they didn’t have a plan (like Alice in Wonderland asking the cat for directions, but not knowing where she was going).

That was until they took action. They made the decision to change. They committed to getting the most out of life before shuffling off this mortal coil. They took control and realized what I’m about to tell you now. Your health, your performance, your work-life balance… 

…starts with you!

It starts with you implementing self-discipline, managing your time. Saying no to the irrelevant and distractions. Blocking out family time, gym time, time for yourself, as you would a work meeting.

‘Ok Andrew I hear you, but where do I start with all this?’ You ask.

Well, to give you a plan going forward I have upgraded my free guide.

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vitality

In it, you’ll find:

*Diet tips for weight management and supporting testosterone levels
*Workout plans to improve body composition and reduce insulin resistance
*Sleep guidance to guard against testosterone decrease
*Stress management to reduce cortisol levels

Click here to download 

Start implementing the things in the guide and I promise you that you’ll be in a better position with your energy, productivity, and happiness.

But if you need some more support, someone to work it out for you, connect the dots, expedite the process and keep you accountable…