I had this thought, maybe more of an epiphany when I was 22
and until later on in life I didn’t realise it was such a defining moment.

At the time I was working in a sports centre. It’s so vivid.

I was starting some paper work, and when I opened the ledger I noticed this feeling. I caught myself thinking: ‘I don’t want to do it’.

Never before had I noticed this feeling. This acknowledgement and awareness of this inner voice.

It’d probably always been there, influencing me and dictating my actions and behaviours.

And I remember saying to myself right then and there,
‘what if I use this feeling, these thoughts, as a prompt to do the work?’

Since then this approach has helped me do the work I know will benefit me. Regardless of how I feel about it.

I acknowledge the barrage of excuses that come flooding in when it’s time to do the work. I’m aware and attuned to them, and I use them.

I accept the fact I don’t feel like to doing the work in the moment, and that’s fine. I’m just going to do it anyway.

Instead of them stopping me, I use them as a green light. To push through the resistance and do the work.

I know that this resistance is in my head. There is no physical restraint, just thoughts and feelings.

Which don’t have power over me, or control my actions. Because they don’t exist, I mean in a physical sense.

This isn’t to say I don’t experience the feeling of resistance, I still do. But I acknowledge it’s a suggestion from my mind (to avoid discomfort from the work) and I override it.

You might experience this, but might not be aware of it (as I wasn’t). This resistance, this invisible hand that guides you.

And when the time comes to doing something for yourself. That is beneficial personal or professionally, that is when it makes an appearance.
Wham! A stiff jab of an excuse.

Followed by a powerful hooking feeling of anxiousness.

And then comes the finisher, the big overhand limiting belief, which knocks you down.

There’s the obligatory 10 count but you know it’s futile. You’ve already accepted you’ve lost this one.

But once you get wise to your opponent through awareness. You learn to fight back.

You start winning a few rounds here and there, and before you know it you have these feelings of apathy on the ropes.

Winning these mental battles paves the way for you to start taking action and changing your life.

But what you need to understand is these fights will be ongoing, they never stop.

Your opponent, the resistance, is always going to be there. Ready, waiting every time that bell rings.

But every time you face them, you’re stronger. Because you’ve been working on yourself.

You’ve been taking action to build your mental resilience. To control your emotions. To increase your physical vitality.

You have a plan a purpose. You have more support in the crowd.

Now you actually look forward to the fight. And you want them to give you their best shot.

Because you’ve moved up a level. You’re in a different class to your excuses.

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